Ayahuasca plant dieta and kambo initiation

With Sanango and Mikaela

Package Dates

Location: Sinchi Runa

  • $1,800.00 – Retreat Price

Sinchi Runa is an intimate ayahuasca and master plant retreat center, as well as a family and student home. We are dedicated to provide and nurture a safe, compassionate, and sacred space in which one can experience genuine healing and spiritual awakening. Our mission is to help each individual reconnect with their true essence by awakening the capacity of wisdom that resides within their heart.

All of our services are uniquely customized to nurture and serve each and every individual according to their own understanding and needs. Undergoing a process at Sinchi Runa is a remarkable opportunity in unveiling and realizing the very nature of existence; an opportunity to reconnect to and discover the truth and freedom of who one truly is.

About the shamanic diet

The shamanic diet is a spiritual exercise that works through the guidance and intelligence of one or various master plants. It is one of the most important rituals and elements within Amazonian shamanism.

The context of the diet is done in complete isolation and silence; allowing one to fully open up to stillness, contemplation and communion with the natural world, the cosmos and one’s innate wisdom. In essence, a shamanic diet offers a process of death and rebirth. It is a process of restoration; restoring the natural balance between the body, mind and spirit. The role of the shaman is to invoke the spirit of the plant, to protect and energetically clean the environment of the diet and to guide the participants towards their inner master.

The diet is a process founded on one’s own direct experience and capacity to surrender and heal without actively needing to manage and control the experience. It is experienced, lived, suffered and understood directly, through awakening without doubt to one’s inner truth or the voice of the heart. The beauty of the diet is found within the ability to authentically observe and witness the experience with humility, transparency, and purity of intention. The process blossoms through one’s own sincerity, willingness to listen and openness to learn. A shamanic diet often becomes a vital turning point in one’s existence; an opening of profound understanding and great spiritual growth.

About the kambo initiation

Text coming soon…

About the Leaders


Sanango is a Peruvian healer and spiritual master whose learning is based on Amazonian shamanism and Vedic philosophy. His life and work has allowed him to travel in various states of the soul, from disconnection to the experience of divinity and peace in states of compassion. Over the past 20 years he has conducted thousands of […]

Learn more about Sanango


Mikaela is a Kambo Therapist, Ayahuasca Facilitator and Hridaya Yoga- and Meditation Teacher. For the past eight years she has been living in the Guatemalan and Peruvian Rainforest, where she has been assisting and developing Sinchi Runa together with Maestro Sanango. Her presence is safe, loving and compassionate and she serves Ayahuasca with deep integrity […]

Learn more about Mikaela