The retreat starts with a purification period before entering the shamanic diet. The participant goes through a physical and emotional cleanse with purgative plants, diuretics, plant baths, a special diet and introspection.
Shamanic diet
The shamanic diet is a process of solitude and inner work with master plants and the healing energies of nature and the cosmos. The participant is following a strict monothematic diet and ingest a designated master plants three times a day. During the diet one observes silence and abstain even from eye contact. At times Sanango will come to speak to the dieter, help with guidance and invoke the spirit of the plant. During these visits one can speak with him (and the translator and facilitator in case it is needed).
During the entire process Sanango works as a guide and healer within the subtle and spiritual realm as well as in one-on-one consultations and therapies. He does this while always respecting the direct experience and proper understanding of the participants themselves. The consultations serve as a basis to understand and integrate what one has experienced in the ayahuasca ceremonies as well as in the shamanic diet and throughout the process. This allows the participant to bring to a conscious level what he or she may need to comprehend in order to truly heal.
A shamanic diet is an opportunity to work with and learn directly from a master plant that is your teacher and “speaks” within you. During a period of 7 days or more, the voice of these plant masters guide the heart, to find solutions to complexes and deep-rooted suffering, emotional or physical pain. They open memories to cleanse the heart of reactions, healing deep scars to achieve healing through understanding, self-observation, and understanding. The diet is delicate work, because it demands discipline of silence and isolation. It is for many a definitive step in life towards change, to leaving afflictions that accompany our existence, and truly open the heart to life.
Everything that happens to us is calling us to understanding, to comprehension. The experience of suffering is a call to meet the Dharma, but we need to light the way to not get lost in emotion or pain, to let go of what does not belong to us and focus on the reason for the experience – the understanding for the search of a spiritual path, for which we need to reconnect with ourselves, to be guided to our inner teacher. The diet plants are ancient and wise teachers that give us the opportunity to be guided to understand what life calls us to understand, in order to heal. The plant master accompanies you on your journey, strengthening you, opening what needs to be opened, burning and purifying what needs to be cleansed, and also healing you on a physical level.
It is an opportunity to understand life, existence and karma; an opportunity to build the resilience and strength necessary to rise beyond our suffering, and through understanding let go and free ourselves from the circumstances that bind us to suffering.
The diet is an opportunity to listen to yourself and your heart. Everything else is silenced, including the noise of food. During the diet we eat very simple and silent food (monothematic), and we isolate ourselves from the world for a few days. It is a search for silence, so we may listen to ourselves and open our hearts. To open the heart, we must first find it and feel its voice. The master plant guides us to listen to that voice, to hear ourselves, to perceive the rhythm of the universe through nature and its essence in ourselves. To feel the wind, the sunrise and sunset, to begin to understand the meaning of existence and our real being.
Lunar Eclipse & The Signal of Change
This retreat coincides with the partial lunar eclipse, which signals the end of phase and the starting of a new one.
An eclipse places us at boiling point where there are intensifications of energies and movements of the mind. All the primordial cultures, amongst them the Vedic, Inca, Egyptian and others, saw eclipses as auspicious moments, moments of great opportunity, to search for the light and truth of the interior. They are moments to contemplate the darkening of our perception and our interior and exterior light, opening us to the understandings of our being, our obstacles, our conditioning, and how these eclipse the manifestation of our interior sun, Dharma and consciousness.
This eclipse signals change. After the eclipse, the light that returns is not the same light as was there before. It marks an inflexion point – the exact meaning of the shamanic diet – to break inertias and catalyse processes of change to turn around our lives and existence.
Post diet, harmonization and integration
The post diet is an important stage of the healing process, it is during this time that the comprehension and healing is integrated into the heart of the participant. In another words, it gets embedded into the core and applied in daily life. This period is best done in a protected environment and it also serves as an act of gratitude to the universe for the compassion that was received overall in the process. During this process there are shamanic consultations, ayahuasca ceremonies, hatha yoga, meditation and lectures on eastern philosophy and shamanism.
Sinchi Runa
Sinchi Runa is an intimate ayahuasca and master plant retreat center, as well as a family and student home. We are dedicated to provide and nurture a safe, compassionate, and sacred space in which one can experience genuine healing and spiritual awakening. Our mission is to help each individual reconnect with their true essence by awakening the capacity of wisdom that resides within their heart.
With more than twenty five years of in-depth experiential work with Ayahuasca and a variety of shamanic master plants and natural entheogens, we specialize in master plant dietas, intensive retreats, deep immersion processes, and depression and addiction treatments. All of our services are uniquely customized to nurture and serve each and every individual according to their own understanding and needs.
We provide the opportunity to experience a personal yet universal path of healing that combines traditional and holistic systems and methods of healing. Undergoing a process at Sinchi Runa is a unique opportunity in unveiling and realizing the very nature of existence; an opportunity to reconnect to and discover the truth and freedom of who one truly is.
You can read more about us at
Maestro Sanango
Our retreats are directed by Maestro Sanango, a Peruvian spiritual master who has spent several decades inviting Ayahuasca, as well as directing Shamanic Diets or vision quests. Sanango is a “vegetalista” with a deep knowledge of the Master Plants, their metaphysical implications and forms of healing. He has been directing the Sinchi Runa Institute, previously located in the Peruvian Amazon and now located in Portugal, for the past 10 years. Sinchi Runa is now in Portugal offering Ayahuasca Retreats and teachings in shamanism, the shamanic vision, master plants, Vedic philosophy and reconnection with the divine.
Sanango has given lectures on shamanism in Universities of Peru and Guatemala. He has also developed extensive knowledge within the Vedic philosophy, establishing connections and healing tools between the shamanic tradition of Peru and the Vedic philosophy. He works with his students who accompany him and are on a path of understanding, having spent several years learning from him and the Master Plants.
Before the creation of Sinchi Runa, Sanango spent many years learning with different maestros in the Peruvian Amazon, as well as prolonged retreats in solitude with Master Plants in what are traditionally called shamanic diets, dietas or vision quests. During this time, he created a deep bond with the spirit of Ayahuasca and other medicinal plants and divine deities that allow him to celebrate safe ceremonies and processes that lead to a deep spiritual realization and healing of the soul.
Our Vision
At Sinchi Runa, we feel that all healing comes from understanding, from the resolution of our inner conflicts in an encounter with truth and our awakening.
For this, we need sincerity in our search, a willingness to truly see ourselves in our light and shadow beyond our conditioning, beliefs and mental paradigms.
The search for silence is our greatest tool on this inner journey and introspection with master plants. In the nakedness of silence, we are given the opportunity to truly face ourselves, to feel our hearts and the inner master speaking, while allowing the plants to teach and guide us.
With the wisdom of the Amazonian traditions and the invaluable teachings of Vedic philosophy, we try to serve this search for truth through silence and an authentic path of awakening with Ayahuasca and Master Plants – a path of healing through understanding and thereby seeking to open the heart and awaken the nature of love and compassion that resides in each of us.